Saturday, December 10, 2011

My 2012 Calendar has been published! :)

My beautiful readers, I finally published my limited edition calendars for 2012! I'm so happy and excited.
This is an amazing Christmas gift and it is filled with inspiration, love and joy.
This Calendar will inspire you and encourage to Dream BIG! I wrote a few lines for each month that inspire and invite you to expect miracles! It is now available on my Etsy shop.

Here are some pictures:


  1. The calendar is gorgeous!
    By the way, yesterday I was given a Liebster Blog Award, which I chose to pass on to you, because you are such an inspiration for me!It’s all on my blog if you want to check it out...

    Elle X

  2. Elina!! Thank you so much :-) it was so amazing seeing your message now, I'm at work and decided to look at my blog and here I am, smiling of happiness because I got your note :) thank you!

    I'm very intrigued by this Award, I'll definitely check your blog right now.


